To assist with spam reporting the Mail Assure spam manager will email you when spam has been captured. This report is sent out automatically from the spam manager daily from at 8:25 am, 12:25 pm, and 4 pm.
To get a better view of the emails that have been marked as spam, select the View message link next to the reported email to view this in a web browser securely.
Secure Viewing Spam Messages
Spam Email Management Actions
After reviewing the email you have some further options available to you.
If the email is a legitimate spam email you can close the window and leave it marked as spam
If you select the Actions tab option
- Release: this will only release that email once if resent it will be marked as spam again
- Release And Train: this will train the spam manager to allow these types of emails in the future
- Blocklist Sender: this will add the sender’s email and domain to the blacklist and will be auto-marked as spam.
- Allow List Sender: this will add the sender’s email and domain to the whitelist and will be auto-marked as spam.
- Remove: this will delete the email from the system (this cannot be undone)
Unsubscribe from Quarantine Reports
If you do not want to receive the automatic quarantine reports you can unsubscribe from these by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email.